
Artículos Religiosos

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Virgen de Lourdes

La Virgen María eligió Lourdes, un pequeño pueblo del sur de Francia, para mandar un mensaje de amor y esperanza a la humanidad. La Virgen María se apareció a Bernadette Soubirous, una joven campesina, sin apenas estudios y de familia humilde, en el año 1858. La Madre de Dios se apareció en la Gruta de Massabielle y confirmó la doctrina de la Inmaculada Concepción. La advocación mariana de la Virgen de Lourdes es una de las populares del mundo. 

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Paraffin Liquid Wax Candles in the Catholic Church

Liquid Paraffin or Wax Candles

In Catholic liturgy, light and candles are important symbols of Christ's divine presence. From the early Christians, candles were essential for underground celebrations. Although they lost relevance over time with the advent of modern lighting, they remain significant.

According to the Gospel of Saint John, Jesus is the light of the world, guiding the faithful towards eternal life.

Liquid paraffin candles are presented as a modern and durable alternative to traditional candles, being clean, eco-friendly, and longer-lasting.

Las velas de cera líquida están compuestas por un depósito, una tapa con mecha, un tubo exterior y parafina como combustible.

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Saint Benedict | Medal and Cross

St. Benedict of Nursia, the father of Western monasticism and patron saint of Europe, renounced worldly life and faced a great number of temptations, overcoming them with his unwavering devotion. Founder of the Abbey of Montecassino and creator of the Rule of St. Benedict, his legacy endures through his teachings and symbols like the St. Benedict Medal, an emblem of protection and faith.

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Memorial candles for deceased

Memorial candles for deceased

Death is a stage in the path of the human soul. On the 1st (All Saints' Day) and 2nd of November (All Souls' Day), we honor the deceased by visiting cemeteries, lighting candles on their graves, and creating altars in our homes. Candles symbolize the Resurrection and guide souls to eternal peace. Lighting candles, caring for burials, and praying for them allows us to remember our departed loved ones.


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Alabaster Catholic figurines for sale

Alabaster Catholic figurines for sale | Online store

Alabaster is a coloured mineral formed from the calcification of certain organic sediments (hydrated calcium sulfate).

Alabaster figures are known for their beauty and delicacy. In addition, alabaster can absorb dyes, which makes it possible to obtain pieces with a wide range of shades.

Traditionally, alabaster pieces have been used to make carved religious images. Nowadays, technology makes it possible to make alabaster statues much more quickly: alabaster pieces and figures in modelled powdered alabaster;

The modelled alabaster statues are made with a mould that allows higher productions while maintaining the beauty of the carved pieces;

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El árbol de la vida

El árbol de la vida

El árbol de la vida es uno de los símbolos presentes en varios de los Libros Sagrados que forman la Biblia. El significado del árbol de la vida está profundamente relacionado con la vida eterna. Es un símbolo de inmortalidad de las almas de aquellos que han seguido el camino de la Palabra de Dios.  

En esta entrada sobre el árbol de la vida hablaremos del significado del árbol de la vida en la Iglesia Católica. La Cruz de Cristo, símbolo del árbol de la vida. El árbol de la vida en la Biblia. Y los árboles como símbolos para los hombres


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